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Murdoch Community Garden



The Murdoch Community Garden is about gardening! And hanging out with cool people!
The Garden values inclusivity, permaculture, and plants in general. A usual day at the garden consists of doing activities, often therapeutic and relaxed, such as watering, sowing seeds, planting plants, or sometimes more specialised activities when there is an event on. At the end of a gardening day, members usually relax, talk, and have snacks and tea.
The Garden is a nice place to sit around with plants and friends and let yourself unwind. The garden shares a space with MUENSA and is friendly with many other Environmental Clubs, as well as the Murdoch Queer Collective.
As a member, you can enjoy planting plants, socialising, relaxing, snacks, and being able to take home the veggies and fruits you plant! We have larger social gatherings throughout the semester such as BBQs and are coordinating with the Murdoch Village to do planting events at their garden.


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